

Down the persecution of the piquetero movement and the Polo Obrero

To Chamber 1 of the Federal Court of Appeal

Movilización piquetera

To Chamber 1 of the Federal Court of Appeal:

We hereby call for an immediate end to the persecution against different social organizations, and fundamentally against all comrades prosecuted in case 4489/2023, who belong to Polo Obrero and other organizations. This persecution began as a result of a Patricia Bullrich’s complaint against the call for a mobilization on last 20 December, which was against the national government’s policies. It then led to dozens of raids, wiretaps, prosecutions and court cases.

The government is promoting these complaints in order to intimidate the entire popular movement and avoid a response in the streets to the dramatic situation that the Argentinean people are going through as a result of the adjustment policies.

The attack against social organizations is part of an agenda of persecution that we view with great concern and that includes the denial of the right to protest through repression, the restriction of the right to strike and the conditioning and curtailment of all democratic freedoms.

                Therefore, we demand an end to the persecution and the dismissal of the cases against those who are being prosecuted with these unjust allegations.

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