

Resolution on Chile

Movilización en Santiago

We repudiate the repressive policies of the government of Gabriel Boric against the Mapuche people, homeless families, students and the migrant community.

More than two years into his term of office Boric has demonstrated his character as an enemy of the Chilean people all along the line by advancing in a deepening of repressive policies. The Wallmapu is militarised as it was under the Piñera government, working families living in camps are evicted and criminalised for fighting for the right to housing, high school students who continue to demand free, quality public education are imprisoned daily, and political imprisonment is a tool that has been used for a long time, as demonstrated by the sentencing of Mapuche leaders such as Héctor Llaitul.

The repressive forces were given more fiscal resources and legal powers to unleash their force against those who raise their voices. None of the demands of the rebellion were answered, only sticks, gas and bullets to the popular struggles.

The experience of the popular front led by Gabriel Boric was not only a political experience of containment, but also represents an attempt to repressively close the political cycle opened by the working masses who led the rebellion that will rise in October 2019.

We demand freedom for all those imprisoned for fighting, an end to the criminalisation of the people, an end to the evictions and the repeal of the anti-takeover law and the Naim Retamal (trigger-happy) law, the removal of the militiamen from the Wallmapu and we demand access to the right to education, health, housing and sufficient salaries and pensions to live on.


Let us regroup internationalist forces to fight for a revolutionary solution to capitalist barbarism
Statement of the meeting held in Buenos Aires –