Resolution on Cuba

Protesta en Cuba
We demand the release of the Cuban political prisoners condemned for participating in the protests against hunger that have been taking place since July 11, 2021.
The effects of the blockade cannot make us lose sight of the very policy of austerity and attack on the living conditions of the people that the Cuban government has been carrying out in the service of capitalist restoration. As capitalist restoration advances in Cuba, the ruling bureaucracy of the PCC increases repression in order to be able to apply its successive measures of social cuts.
In the framework of this situation we support the official visit to the Cuban embassy in Argentina by the parties of the Frente de Izquierda de los Trabajadores- Unidad to demand the release of the prisoners condemned for participating in the protests of 11 July 2021.
We also call for the independence of Puerto Rico and the small island nations of the Caribbean still colonised by different European powers.
Lets launch an international communist campaign for the release of the Cuban political prisoners for participating in the anti-hunger protests!
Long live the world socialist revolution