

Resolution on Italy

Movilización del SI Cobas

In continuity with the escalation of repression that is advancing in many countries around the world, also as a preventive measure against the demands of the working class and in general of anyone who opposes the present state of affairs, the Meloni government is also returning to the assault on trade union, political and social freedoms by attempting a new 360-degree repressive tightening.

The new decree law Ddl 1660, signed by Ministers Piantedosi and Crosetto and which has been under discussion in Parliament since Monday, introduces the crime of “revolt in prison”, toughens the penalties in the context of “street demonstrations”, transforms the “road blockade” (therefore primarily the workers’ pickets in a strike) into a criminal offense, toughens the penalties for the crimes of “outrage and resistance to a public official” and,  Last but not least, it makes it possible for police officers and public security officers to carry weapons illegally.

So, more repression against those who disagree with the policies of the government and bosses who want to further intimidate the legitimate protest of workers to obtain wages, health, rights and dignity by organizing in the workplace: a further authoritarian turn to attack those at the bottom who oppose the war economy in order to improve the living and working conditions of the entire working class.

As if that were not enough, some of the amendments tabled by members of the majority focus their attention on workers’ pickets, which until now have rarely been convicted as criminal offences if not combined with other charges (resisting a public official, etc.), claiming that the crime of private violence is configured with the sole interposition of one’s own bodies even where this happens to support a strike action.

The Lega Nord also proposes the inclusion of a new aggravating circumstance for crimes against public safety that seems tailor-made for the varied network of activists who have been protesting against major works for years, starting with the TAV and the bridge over the strait: if approved, prison would be provided for from 4 to 20 years for those who,  Even with symbolic acts, it can even just “threaten the blockade of infrastructure works”.

Against this umpteenth escalation of repression and liberticide, it is more necessary and urgent than ever to start a confrontation for the unity of the struggles with all the genuinely class forces, not only in Italy, but on an international level. In fact, it is no coincidence that repression advances with often similar instruments in countries that are very distant from each other.

To the comrades present in this assembly, we would like to point out that for years both the workers of the SI Cobas and the unemployed of the November 7 Movement of Struggle in Naples (not infrequently they are also comrades of the TIR) have been subjected to a veritable bombardment of denunciations, trials, a leaf of the way, police attacks, to repel which your solidarity is essential. But we would also like to say that our commitment against repression has no sectarian characteristic, so much so that in recent months we have been engaged in solidarity initiatives with anarchist comrades or ecological activists.

The increasing involvement of governments in a generalized war effort poses the vital need for these governments to discipline proletarians for participation in this effort, reducing any tolerance towards those who resist the worsening of their living and working conditions. Only the unity of the workers on an international level to completely reject the war economy and the “national” unity that it imposes, can unhinge the mechanism of repression.

Let us therefore support each other in the attacks we are suffering, with actions and solidarity for the comrades affected, and let us work above all for the realization of future international initiatives against the capitalist war, placing at the centre of our demands also the unhinging of this repressive spiral.




Let us regroup internationalist forces to fight for a revolutionary solution to capitalist barbarism
Statement of the meeting held in Buenos Aires –