

Resolution on Peru

Tercera toma de Lima

On December 7, 2022, a pro-Yankee civic-military coup d'état was imposed against the government of Professor Pedro Castillo, ignoring the will of the people. Castillo did not take any anti-imperialist measures, but in a context of crisis and trade war with China, the Northern Empire needed a strong and aligned government. The coup was led by the ultra-right-wing parliamentary political mafias. This produced an unprecedented popular rebellion in the Andean provinces (to a lesser extent in the Amazon) in defence of the popular vote and against the coup.

The rebellion was inspiring, but the collaborationist policies of the formal left supporting the coup (only 6 parliamentarians - out of 46 - voted against the coup), the trade union centres taking photos with the coup leader Dina Boluarte, etc. And all the coup's campaign of terrourism isolated the popular rebellion in Lima. In this way, the rebellion went into a state of ebb.

More than a year has passed, and the crimes for the murder of 49 demonstrators are still unsolved. Castillo and dozens of other activists remain in prison, falsely accused of sedition and terrorism respectively. Hundreds of others are being prosecuted.

For these reasons, we demand the release of the political prisoners of the popular rebellion as well as the dismissal of those prosecuted and we call on activists to join forces for the days of struggle that lie ahead in a context of profound crisis of the political regime that can only be resolved through a workers' government.


Let us regroup internationalist forces to fight for a revolutionary solution to capitalist barbarism
Statement of the meeting held in Buenos Aires -