

Resolutions of the Conference of Latin America and the United States

Versión en castellano

The organizations, parties, leaders and activists participating in the Latin American and US Virtual Conference subscribe to the following political definitions and commit ourselves to promote the resolutions and campaigns set out below:

1.- We raise, as our main flag, the political independence of workers from capitalists, their states, their governments, and their parties. We reject class collaboration and the political fronts and organizations of class collaboration, which are nothing more than how they go forward in the political subordination of the working class to the interests of the capitalists and their states. We define, as our strategic purpose, the struggle for a workers' government, for the Socialist Unity of Latin America and for international socialism. As the initial call for this conference points out, “The balance and conciliation of interests between capital and workers, which is claimed by bourgeois nationalism and the center-left, is nothing more than a reactionary utopia, which aims to ensnare workers as a bourgeoisie’s van of tail. In opposition to that, we propose the fight for an anti-capitalist solution and a comprehensive transformation of the continent under the leadership of the working class”. For these objectives, we promote the broadest working-class and popular organization, with the strategic purpose of fighting for the perspective of social revolution. We reject the competition and rivalry that capitalists and states foster among different nations’ workers. We fight for the international unity and solidarity of the working class and we say: Proletarians of all countries: unite!

2. We support, develop, and promote in all areas and in each country, including the United States, the anti-imperialist struggle. North American imperialism is, in Latin America and in the world, the expression of super exploitation and the main oppressive state of the people, a role that different imperialist states also play in the European Union and Japan. The imperialist policy and oppression exercised by the yankee state and government, and international financial capital over the Latin American countries, is not only expressed in the economic field, but also in the conspiracies of imperialism through the puppet governments of the subcontinent, and in the attempts of  military intervention and threats. We reject and condemn the offensive and the threats of Yankee imperialism against Venezuela and against Cuba (where it still maintains a criminal blockade!), supported by the Venezuelan right and the gusanos; at the same time that we express, from the left, our independence and opposition to the regimes of both countries against whom we fight and we give no political support to. We denounce the wall that Trump is building on the border with Mexico and the mass deportations. We repudiate and call to fight against the Bolivian coup government that has, once again, suspended the elections to perpetuate itself in power, as well as the attempt to ban the MAS, without giving political support to this party that has been trying to conciliate with the coup leaders and that, when it ruled, it betrayed the October Agenda. We call to fight for the non-payment of Latin America and the Caribbean’s countries’ debts and those of the oppressed peoples of the entire world. We promote the mobilization for "Bolsonaro-Mourao Out," calling for an end to the entire regime of domination.

We denounce the submission of Latin American governments, including the ‘national and popular’ ones, to the precepts of imperialism, and we say: Out with the IMF! Non-payment of external debts! Out with imperialism from Latin America! Capitalists should pay for the crisis! We stand for the expulsion of all the imperialist and extractive multinationals and corporations that loot our common goods and pollute and destroy life and our territory. For the nationalizations, without compensation, of the banking systems and the natural and strategic resources of each country, under workers’ control!

3. We unconditionally support the gigantic and extraordinary rebellion carried out by the North American people and denounce Trump’s criminal militarization. We advocate for the development, extension, and deepening of the North American rebellion. We denounce the Democratic Party's claim to electorally channel the enormous popular discontent with Trump’s government as an attempt to quell the rebellion, put an end to the masses’ direct action, and deflect any attempt of independent political organization of the exploited, aware that It is another capitalist-imperialist and warlike variant of alternation in power, a solution that will be against the interests of those who today continue to fight in the streets of the United States.

Putting an end to racial oppression, to police violence and repression, giving a comprehensive response to the health crisis and preventing the capitalist crisis from continuing to be discharged on the North American masses, proposes to promote a workers’ independent solution in the United States. United, in alliance with all oppressed sectors, such as people of color (African Americans, Latinos), women and youth.

4- Likewise, we highlight the revitalization of the enormous rebellion in Chile, we denounce the successive collaboration pacts of the so-called ‘opposition’ bosses and center-left with the government and more than ever we say Out with Piñera! For Chile, what we indicated in this regard, in the initial convocation document, continues to be fully current: “We denounce the constitutional reform that is being cooked and the rigged constitutional convention that comes from that pact. We call for reinforcing the struggle to make Piñera leave by promoting massive mobilizations on the streets and a political general strike and for social demands, for a free and sovereign Constituent Assembly that will discuss a program to reorganize the country on another social bases, in the perspective of achieving a workers’ government and the exploited people that guarantee the fundamental changes demanded by the people in the streets.

In Chile, it is necessary to promote all forms of coordination and democratic self-organization of all working class’ sectors, the student movement and women in struggle (a trend that can be seen in the popular and territorial assemblies or in the emergency committees and safeguard) aiming for the working class, due to its ability to paralyze the economy’s functioning and the capitalist state, assume leadership ”.

We demand the freedom of the rebellion’s prisoners and the freedom of the Mapuche political prisoners who fight for the recovery of their historic territory and against state repression. We join the campaign to end private pension funds, for a solidarity-based pension system, managed by workers and retirees.

5- We support and promote all the workers and peoples’ struggles against the austerity plans and the governments of capital. We denounce the adjustment plans and the capital’s offensive on an international scale against the conquests of the workers. Governments, as representatives of capital, are using the pandemic crisis to advance in more adjustment, layoffs, and salary cuts, in more labor flexibility, in the destruction of pension systems and in the exploitation of the precarious youth. We also denounce the union bureaucracies’ complicity in all countries, which act as a vest to contain the fighting force of the workers, and thus enable the advance of anti-worker reforms supporting the different governments. In this sense we reaffirm that “the battle to recover mass organizations, starting with unions, and expelling the bureaucracies that lead us to defeats, is of a strategic nature. This means promoting, in the course of the popular irruptions, all kinds of organizations (strike committees and all those that, in embryonic form, we have seen emerge in France, Chile, Bolivia) that allow us to coordinate the struggle and lead it to victory. The convulsive scenario of Latin America gives special validity to the strengthening of democratic spaces of combative unionism, to the call to congresses or coordinators of union’s delegates, of the employed (including the entire gamut of precarious labor) and unemployed , and of the struggling masses, which is linked to the battle for a new class leadership in the labor movement. This aims for the working class to emerge as an independent factor in the crisis and to develop as an alternative of power, at the head of an alliance of all the exploited and oppressed”.

We raise the fight to defeat the labor and pension reforms in progress. We propose to put an end to unemployment by raising the pose of the working hours’ distribution without reducing wages, universal insurance for the unemployed, increasing wages and pensions until they are brought to the cost of living for a full family. We propose the occupation of any factory or company that closes or produces lay offs, its nationalization under workers' control. Out with the union bureaucracies, for new class-struggle union leaderships. We support and promote the international and coordinated struggle carried out by precarious app delivery workers.

The construction of revolutionary parties at a national and international scale is a necessity of the first order to carry out this program.

6. The enormous women movement’s struggle has been and is still an especially important character of the region’s struggles, with enormous weight in Chile, Argentina and other countries and processes. We support and promote the struggle of the women's movement, which with its extraordinary and massive mobilizations, demands the right to legal abortion, the end of femicides and abuses, and against sexist violence. We denounce the government, the State and the social regime of exploitation as responsible in the oppression of women. The growth of these demands has revealed the profound interference of the Churches in state affairs and the subordination of capitalist governments to the various clerical lobbies. We fight for the demands of working women. We fight to eradicate the sexist and patriarchal culture within the working class and promote a joint struggle of our class, overcoming any type of divisions by gender or sexuality, for the right to legal, safe and free abortion, for contraceptives and for sexual education, for the separation of the Churches from the States, for the end of sexist violence and hate crimes, for all the claims of the LGTBI movement, and more generally, for putting an end to capitalism, which is the social foundation on which the various oppressions are mounted and reproduced.

7. We condemn the criminal repression against the people and workers in struggle in Latin America and the United States; the criminalization of protest, police abuses and cases of police killings and we demand for the full right to mobilization and organization. We repudiate the AMLO’s government persecution and deportations in Mexico against Central American and Caribbean migrants. We denounce that the security apparatuses are nothing more than a government and state’s mechanism of coercion and repression against the people that stand up in defense of their living conditions. We propose: down with the exceptional measures that strengthen repressive actions and the reinforcement of the police and other security forces, stop migrant’s persecution in the United States; down with the murders of social leaders in Colombia; down with the criminal repression in Chile and Bolivia, Justice for Marielle Franco and punishment for those responsible for her murder, freedom for the hundreds of political prisoners; down with the persecution of the fighters and union leaders in Venezuela, for the immediate freedom of the imprisoned workers fighters. We demand Facundo Castro to appear alive, for the freedom of Sebastián Romero, and for Cesar Arakaki’s acquittal in Argentina.


We resolve:


To carry out, on August 27, rallies and events in al countries’ US embassies, to support the North American people’s rebellion, to reject imperialist interference in Latin America and call for the non-payment of the foreign debts of the Latin American countries and the Caribbean and of all the oppressed people.

To support the struggle of the Chilean workers and people for “out with Piñera” and to stand up with their struggle for a true free and sovereign constituent assembly. We demand the freedom of all the rebellion’s prisoners. We stand on supporting the struggles of all workers against layoffs, wage cuts and other attacks on their living conditions that are being implemented by governments and employers.

To participate and promote the next mobilizations of app delivery workers in the different countries. To promote the September 28th mobilizations for the Latin America and the Caribbean’s day for legal abortion, also raising the slogan "separation of the Churches from the State".

To reaffirm our adherence to the 10 programmatic points contained in the first call to the Latin American Conference’s document "A new scenario in Latin America and the need for a socialist and revolutionary solution", adding the points referred to the pandemic and the uprising in the United States developed in the subsequent documents that gave the foundations for the call to this Virtual Conference of Latin America and the United States.
