Saludos de Renacimiento Obrero Revolucionario (ROR) de Francia al XXVI Congreso del Partido Obrero

Dear Comrades of Partido Obrero,

On the behalf of the militants of ROR (Renaissance Ouvriere Révolutionnaire) we salute your congress and wish you best of success. This congress takes place in a time, where all continents of world are being shaken by popular revolts or full-blown revolutions. Our country has once again become the theatre of a big class struggle, known as “Yellow Vests”. As ROR militants take their place in barricades erected in France, we do it in the full conscience that our struggles from Argentina to France, from Algeria to Sudan are one and same. Your victories against two façades of decomposing capitalist camp, Macrismo and Kirchnerismo, will provide an inspiration for working class all over the world.

We salute you, in this centenary of the foundation of the 3rd International, with the belief that together we will once again build the much-needed world revolutionary party of the working class, in Latin America, in Europe and in Middle East. The programme of 4th International will be the flag that lead the working class to its final victory all over the world.

Long live the world revolution!